Saturday, April 14, 2012

Journal 9

Page Liz. , Sheehan Tracy, , & Worrell Colleen, (2012). How to do more with less. 
Learning and Leading,39(6), 18-23. Retrieved from

Summary: Technology is an amazing resource to any classroom. However, integrating technology can seem like an expensive way to meet state standards. However, there are many ways to incorporate technology and greatly enhance learning for cheap. Using blended or flipped classrooms, teachers can provide free resources online to continue learning for their students. In flipped classrooms, the resources provide an introduction to material before the students come to class. Some resources teachers can use to engage the students are: blogs, wikis, social bookmarking tools, and creative expression tools. One tool a teacher can use is Edmodo, a private social networking site that allows teachers and students to communicate. Teachers can send events and reminders to students; students can send in assignments through this site. The idea is to provide students with information and resources whatever, whenever, and wherever. Lastly, students can apply these digital age competencies to all subject matters to enhance learning and comprehension.

Question 1: Why are free internet resources important to student learning? 
     Free resources on the internet provide the student with more opportunities to learn on their own time. When learning is limited to the classroom, the student is not able to explore subjects further at home. Online resources can provide extra learning when doing homework, or working on a project. Instead of flipping through a textbook and trying to comprehend the dull words, students can search through blogs, podcasts, vodcasts, and   other articles to learn outside their classroom.

Question 2: How can teachers incorporate podcasts into the classroom?
   Podcasts are great learning tools as well as relfecting tools. Teachers can post podcasts (their own or educational ones available online) for students to listen to and learn more about a subject. Podcasts allow teachers to reach students who may be primarily auditory learners. Students can also create their own podcasts after they have learned about a subject. They can post their podcasts for fellow students to listen to and learn from. 


Journal 6

Vaidyanathan Sheena. (2012). Foster in creativity and innovation through technology. Learning and Leading39(6), 24-27. Retrieved from Page Liz. , Sheehan Tracy, , & Worrell Colleen, (2012). How to do more with less. Learning and Leading, 39(6), 18-23. Retrieved from

Summary: STEM education and creativity often seem at odds with each other. One encourages logic and consistency, the other encourages freedom and inspiration. Technology through digital design allows the gap between the two to be crossed. A twelve week design course is being taught to fourth-sixth graders in the Los Altos School District. Using free software and computer labs that are already present at the school site, these students are learning how to create characters and video games. Learning digital design gives the students the opportunity to see mathematics applied, some even saying "I learned this in math class!" More importantly, it gives students the opportunity to be creative, which is becoming more and more rare in classroom. Creativity and innovation are part of technology standards, and graphic design is a great way inspire both attributes in students. Digital design helps engage students in both STEM applications and art applications leading to well-rounded, technologically-capable students.

Question 1: How can teachers push for this kind of program at their school during tough economic times?
    Most schools are concerned with costs during this budget crisis. However, this design program is very cost effect. First of all, it uses free software, coming at no cost to the school or the student if they choose to download it at home. Second of all, most school already come with a computer lab, which can be used for this design class. The biggest cost will be providing a capable digital design instructor. The author described how her school raised money through parents to provide the funds for this teacher. 

Question 2: How can teachers integrate these techniques into their class?
   There are many ways teachers can integrate digital design. A history teacher might assign a video game to be based upon the Civil War. Using historical parameters, students could design characters and battles that reflect what actually happened. An English teacher might have students write a story, and then digitally design the characters from that story. Students could then share characters and how they made them through Twitter to promote collaborative learning.

Journal 8: Adaptive Technology


What is AAC?
     Augmentative and Alternative Communication, or AAC, is any type of communication that does not involve oral speech. People with speech or language disorders rely heavily on AAC tools to communicate their thoughts, desires, needs, wants, and ideas. There are many both no tech and high tech tools available to help those who primarily use AAC.

By pointing at pictures, students can communicate
basic needs with no technology
LOW TECHNOLOGY: One low tech tool that is available is a a picture communication board. A picture communication board is exactly that, a board ranging in size from an index card to larger than a piece of paper, with colorful pictures describing different words. Because not all thoughts and ideas can fit onto one boards, there are many themed communication boards to help express a multitude of objects and emotions. A communication board would be used in the classroom to help foster the teacher-student relationship. The student using the board could use it to express their needs to the teacher or other students, while the teacher can point to the board to help emphasize what she is trying to say. This tool is not perfect for the classroom because is limits what can be communicated, but can be helpful for common needs.

By gazing at specific keys, users can
communicate with the world around them
HIGH TECHNOLOGY: As technology has evolved, AAC tools have multiplied, providing high technology improvements in communication. One high tech tool is the Eyegaze Edge. The Eyegaze Edge is a large screen with various commands that can be activated through an eye gaze (determined by a specified amount of time). Using this tool, a person can synthesize voice, use a computer, email, and even control the environment around them. In the classroom, this tool would foster a wide conversation as it vocalizes the thoughts of the user. It would also allows students to complete assignments since it allows users to type and use a computer. 


What is an input device?
    An input device is a tool that provides information to the computer. For example, a mouse, keyboard, USB stick, and scanner are all examples of input devices. 

Provides easier access to the computer
for those with severe motor disabilities
HARDWARE TOOL: One hardware tool used to help accommodate computer use for those with physical hardships is the Roller Plus Joystick, sold by the Traxsys company. The Roller Plus Joystick is an alternative to a mouse. Using the joystick, the user is able to control computer functions the same way a mouse does. The Roller Plus Joystick also comes with a foam ball handle and a T-handle for those with varying degrees of use of their hands.

Tobii makes computer usage easier
and more accesible
SOFTWARE TOOL: One software tool used to enhance computer usage is the Tobii Communicator. This software improves computer use as well as communication, including translating text into speech, allowing for alternate keyboard set-ups, and providing symbols to help those unable to read or write to communicate. Like the Eyegaze Edge, the Tobii Communicator provides computer access to those who normally would not have access. It also supports multiple input devices and even allows for eye gazing input devices.

Peers I commented on:



Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Journal 7: My Personal Learning Network

PLN's: A little bit of everything!
As technology advances and changes, people have the opportunity to interact with others across the globe who share similar interests. A personal learning network (or PLN) is an online community of people with the same interest who can learn from each other through different mediums. There are many avenues in which someone can use a PLN. Personally, I used Twitter, Diigo, and The Educator's PLN (a digital discussion forum) A PLN will help me as a teacher to develop contacts throughout the educational world. It will allow me to get answers to education problems from outside my immediate circle. I can also use it to become more aware of the changing use of technology in the classroom.

 Twitter is a social networking site that also makes for a great PLN tool. Twitter allows users to send short bursts of information to their followers, and using common tags, allows users to have discussions about specific topics. For me, Twitter is the PLN tool I have come to use the most, as it is easily accessible and user friendly. My Twitter PLN consists of: Lisa Dabbs, Steven W. Anderson, edutopia, Tom Whitby, Eric Sheninger, as well as my fellow classmates. I chose these individuals because they seemed to have a wealth of good information to share with their followers. I have already learned more about the teaching profession and the impact technology has on it from following them. These people have also been key players in the different chats available on Twitter. I participated in one edchat on April 3rd (this morning) at 9am. The topic was administrators and their role in the educational world. From the posts I read, I could sense that the teachers felt that the admin were out of touch with technology and the classroom. Many posed questions asking what it would be like if administrators actually spent time in the classroom. Some users pushed for more admin to start creating PLN to connect with teachers and fellow administrators. I enjoyed reading the tweets and learning from more experienced teachers. Edchat provided a platform in which I could pick the brains of teachers that I normally wouldn't have access to.

 Diigo is a PLN tool that allows a user to save helpful websites to an online library which can be shared with other Diigo users. The benefit of bookmarking with Diigo is that the information is stored online so that it may be accessed wherever the Internet is available. Additionally, users can search the Diigo community library for articles containing information they are looking for. I have been using Diigo to bookmark interesting articles people have posted on Twitter, as well as websites I know I will need to remember for future assignments. I chose to follow people who were active on Diigo and shared a passion for education like I do. I follow Scott Shelhart because he posts regularly with information pertaining to education. I chose to follow Kathy Blades because she is a media coordinator at a middle school, and I would like to see what her job looks like. I chose to follow Kelly Hines because she does professional development for teachers, and I feel that she will provide me with wonderful resources for my PLN. I am following Stacey Isenberg because she is heavily involved in bringing technology into the classroom. Lastly, I chose to follow Tom Whitby because I follow him on Twitter, so I know he provides great articles. I bookmarked 3 articles as well, to increase my knowledge of PLN's. One I tagged, "The A-Z Dictionary of Educational Twitter Hashtags", will help me to use Twitter to its full advantage as a part of my PLN. Another article, "23 Resources about Personal Learning Networks (PLNs) : Teacher Reboot Camp" provides 23 resources to users so that they can understand and build up their PLN's. Lastly, I tagged "The Innovative Educator: 5 Things You Can Do to Begin Developing Your Personal Learning Network" because I am still in the beginning stages of my PLN and I feel that this article will help me develop my PLN.

 I chose to join The Educator's PLN, a digital discussion forum because it has a large number of resources available for me to draw from. The Educator's PLN provides professional learning opportunities in a multitude of ways: through forums, blogs, podcasts, videos, etc. I chose to read one blog post about cell phone use in the classroom. The blogger is an advocate, stating that if we teach students how to use cell phone technology to their advantage in the classroom, they will learn so much more. The idea that cell phones are distractions is not a strong an argument as some may think. I have had a range of teachers from those who abhor cell phone use in the classroom (common) to those who embrace its proper use (fairly rare). However, when I am able to use my cell phone to enhance my learning the classroom, the material becomes much more relevant to me, not to mention the fact that I am able to save what I have learned and access it outside of the class.