Saturday, April 14, 2012

Journal 8: Adaptive Technology


What is AAC?
     Augmentative and Alternative Communication, or AAC, is any type of communication that does not involve oral speech. People with speech or language disorders rely heavily on AAC tools to communicate their thoughts, desires, needs, wants, and ideas. There are many both no tech and high tech tools available to help those who primarily use AAC.

By pointing at pictures, students can communicate
basic needs with no technology
LOW TECHNOLOGY: One low tech tool that is available is a a picture communication board. A picture communication board is exactly that, a board ranging in size from an index card to larger than a piece of paper, with colorful pictures describing different words. Because not all thoughts and ideas can fit onto one boards, there are many themed communication boards to help express a multitude of objects and emotions. A communication board would be used in the classroom to help foster the teacher-student relationship. The student using the board could use it to express their needs to the teacher or other students, while the teacher can point to the board to help emphasize what she is trying to say. This tool is not perfect for the classroom because is limits what can be communicated, but can be helpful for common needs.

By gazing at specific keys, users can
communicate with the world around them
HIGH TECHNOLOGY: As technology has evolved, AAC tools have multiplied, providing high technology improvements in communication. One high tech tool is the Eyegaze Edge. The Eyegaze Edge is a large screen with various commands that can be activated through an eye gaze (determined by a specified amount of time). Using this tool, a person can synthesize voice, use a computer, email, and even control the environment around them. In the classroom, this tool would foster a wide conversation as it vocalizes the thoughts of the user. It would also allows students to complete assignments since it allows users to type and use a computer. 


What is an input device?
    An input device is a tool that provides information to the computer. For example, a mouse, keyboard, USB stick, and scanner are all examples of input devices. 

Provides easier access to the computer
for those with severe motor disabilities
HARDWARE TOOL: One hardware tool used to help accommodate computer use for those with physical hardships is the Roller Plus Joystick, sold by the Traxsys company. The Roller Plus Joystick is an alternative to a mouse. Using the joystick, the user is able to control computer functions the same way a mouse does. The Roller Plus Joystick also comes with a foam ball handle and a T-handle for those with varying degrees of use of their hands.

Tobii makes computer usage easier
and more accesible
SOFTWARE TOOL: One software tool used to enhance computer usage is the Tobii Communicator. This software improves computer use as well as communication, including translating text into speech, allowing for alternate keyboard set-ups, and providing symbols to help those unable to read or write to communicate. Like the Eyegaze Edge, the Tobii Communicator provides computer access to those who normally would not have access. It also supports multiple input devices and even allows for eye gazing input devices.

Peers I commented on:



1 comment:

  1. I really like the idea of a communication board for small children- i think it would be highly effective!

    I, too, wrote about the eye gaze technology. I have been fascinated with it ever since Stephen Hawking started using it- it seems so space-age to think you can just look at a letter and it will type on the screen!
