Saturday, April 14, 2012

Journal 6

Vaidyanathan Sheena. (2012). Foster in creativity and innovation through technology. Learning and Leading39(6), 24-27. Retrieved from Page Liz. , Sheehan Tracy, , & Worrell Colleen, (2012). How to do more with less. Learning and Leading, 39(6), 18-23. Retrieved from

Summary: STEM education and creativity often seem at odds with each other. One encourages logic and consistency, the other encourages freedom and inspiration. Technology through digital design allows the gap between the two to be crossed. A twelve week design course is being taught to fourth-sixth graders in the Los Altos School District. Using free software and computer labs that are already present at the school site, these students are learning how to create characters and video games. Learning digital design gives the students the opportunity to see mathematics applied, some even saying "I learned this in math class!" More importantly, it gives students the opportunity to be creative, which is becoming more and more rare in classroom. Creativity and innovation are part of technology standards, and graphic design is a great way inspire both attributes in students. Digital design helps engage students in both STEM applications and art applications leading to well-rounded, technologically-capable students.

Question 1: How can teachers push for this kind of program at their school during tough economic times?
    Most schools are concerned with costs during this budget crisis. However, this design program is very cost effect. First of all, it uses free software, coming at no cost to the school or the student if they choose to download it at home. Second of all, most school already come with a computer lab, which can be used for this design class. The biggest cost will be providing a capable digital design instructor. The author described how her school raised money through parents to provide the funds for this teacher. 

Question 2: How can teachers integrate these techniques into their class?
   There are many ways teachers can integrate digital design. A history teacher might assign a video game to be based upon the Civil War. Using historical parameters, students could design characters and battles that reflect what actually happened. An English teacher might have students write a story, and then digitally design the characters from that story. Students could then share characters and how they made them through Twitter to promote collaborative learning.

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