Sunday, March 4, 2012

Journal 2

Ferguson, Hadley, J. (2010). Join the flock. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), 12-15. Retrieved from

Ferguson, Hadley, J. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and Leading with Technology, 37(8), 15-17. Retrieved from

Summary "Join the Flock": Twitter is the new way for teachers (and other professions) to create community.  By getting involved in a PLN (professional learning network), teachers can use Twitter to learn from each other. Teachers can post blogs, videos, and articles for others to read and learn from. There are several suggestions of how one develops their PLN. First, they need to join Twitter and create a profile. Then by entering specific hashtags, teachers can find users that share their interests; teachers can also look up other users' "lists" of approved users to also follow. The final part of belonging to a PLN is joining in the conversation. Teachers can retweet articles and start adding articles they have found. This allows teachers to share their thinking and allow other users to comment on their tweets, creating a more interactive professional learning network.

Question 1: How can we encourage technologically challenged teachers to use Twitter? 
            By making Twitter more accessible and easily understood, we can help teachers who struggle with email to effectively use Twitter. Peers can be the most helpful in teaching these teachers how to create a PLN. If we can get one teacher to teach three more, and those three to teach three more and so on, we will soon have a large community of teachers engaging each other in person and through Twitter, building upon each other to teach the future generations.

Summary: "Enhance Your Twitter Experience": Learning to use Twitter means learning to speak a new language of sorts. There are many different terms for the different functions of Twitter. You can mention someone (@queenofsheba29), or you can use a hashtag to search for tweets containing something you're interested in. Different applications are also available to help maximize your Twitter usage. Tweetdeck allows users to view multiple streams of tweets depending on lists and hashtags. 

Question 2: Why would using a Twitter application improve a teacher's ability to build a PLN?
            Using Tweetdeck or Hootsuite allows a user to organize the information they see on their stream. This allows teachers who are interested in different topics (education, special education, curriculum, other teachers) to view each of these topics individually. Teachers can use this to create different professional learning networks, and can view each network individually rather than the giant pile of tweets Twitter tends to become.

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